Website of the Kuti Katai rental service

About what
In this article we will look at the process of developing a website for the Kuti Katai company, which provides rental equipment for entertainment, including winter and summer activities. The company also offers rope parks and services for organizing holidays. The project included a complete update of the site design, development of a system for switching site content for different types of seasons, as well as various integrations.
One of the main problems of the Kuchi Katai company was the need to reflect all the possibilities of available entertainment in the parks on the website, according to a specific season. And also set up a connection between the site and the internal systems of companies. To solve these problems, our team conducted numerous meetings and discussions with the customer, as well as analysis of the area to fully understand their needs and requirements.
The goal of the project was not only to develop a unique design with the ability to adjust the content and visuals of the site for different seasons, but also to develop a system that could simplify the company’s business processes, both for employees and for the company’s clients. To do this, it was necessary to implement integration functionality with various services.

What was done


Through extensive research into the leisure and entertainment industry in which Kuti Katai operates, we conducted extensive analysis to identify current trends and specific customer needs. Our research has confirmed that modern park visitors show significant interest in the variety of entertainment and recreational opportunities in the park. We have clearly identified the main requirements and preferences of our target audience. Our research has shown that clients highly value the relevance of information about park services, high-quality service and prompt resolution of emerging issues. These aspects are considered fundamental to attracting and retaining customers. When studying the activities of our competitors, we identified both their strengths and weaknesses in their online presence. We drew attention to the successful implementation of loyalty programs by competitors to attract the attention of their audience.

Site development

Website development for the Kuti Katai project was one of the key stages of our work. Our team took upon itself the task of completely updating the website design so that it would best reflect all the capabilities of the company. After carefully studying the Terms of Reference, we began to develop a unique design. One of the main tasks was to think through the logic of displaying different seasons on one site, so that the content would be adjusted to the current season. As a result of long discussions with the customer, our team proposed using a switch in the site header, which allows you to easily switch between the winter and summer versions of the site. When switching, not only the color scheme changes, but also the content so that users receive the most relevant information. After agreeing on the layout, we began developing the site itself. We chose the popular WordPress platform for convenient content management. An important aspect of the site was the ability to display park points on a map. To do this, we used integration with the 1C system, which allows you to manage park points (turn on and off) directly from 1C. Also, goods that can be rented are unloaded and managed from the 1C system. For the convenience of users, we have created a Personal Account where they can be verified by phone number. In addition, we have integrated with the Bitrix24 platform to ensure effective management of client requests and tasks. As a result of our work on developing a website for the Kuti Katai project, we have created a unique and functional web resource that displays all the company’s capabilities and provides ease of use for clients.

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