Booking service Strela-M

What Did We Do
In the course of designing and developing a service for renting equipment, the first stage was a thorough study of the customer’s business processes and designing the mechanics of the service. This made it possible to think over the key services necessary to ensure ease of use and optimal functionality: a showcase with available equipment, a booking system, a personal account with the possibility of document management for tenants and landlords, as well as integration with acquiring to simplify and secure payments.

Site development and Promotion
After identifying the key services and their functionality, the second stage involved the development of the website itself, taking into account all the agreed requirements.
Further, a comprehensive advertising campaign was developed and implemented to promote the service. It included setting up and launching online advertising aimed at attracting potential tenants and expanding the customer base.
Thus, thanks to a competent advertising strategy, we got the following result:
– Conversion on the site 8.4% to the application
– The cost of the application is about 18,04 €
– Average rental period – 36 hours
– Average number of orders per month – 90